Summertime is an exciting time in our Las Vegas valley. With temperatures soaring to over 100+ degrees over half of the Summer, having a pool in Las Vegas seems to be a must. Prepare your family and friends with these fun and quick safety tips to make your Summer safe.
Assign Lifeguard Duties
One of the most common reasons that accidents happen is the “But I thought you were watching them” scenario. You need to be clear exactly on who is watching the children while they are in the pool. Never leave any child unsupervised in the pool. Children need to be watched at all times whenever someone is in the pool. Set up official shifts if necessary. If you are having a party in your pool, it is important there one person is tasked with keeping their eyes on all of the children. Save any conversations that need your attention for a different time. The children must come first.
Avoid Distractions
Put away your cellphone if you are the one in charge. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, 88% of all young drowning victims were under some form of supervision at the time of the accident. A startling 46% of cases, the child that drowned was under the supervision of both parents. Stay alert with your children and if you must take a phone call, make sure that you are giving the responsibility to someone else prior to taking the phone call.
Teach Your Child Water Safety as Early as Possible
If children have taken a water safety class they are less likely to drown. Swimming classes teach your child the survival skills needed like treading water and getting to the side of the pool. These skills will help if they get into a dangerous situation.
Be Joined at the Hip with Your Child When in the Pool
If you need to leave the pool area, do not leave your child in the pool without supervision. Take your child with you, even if it is just to the bathroom. The leading cause of dangerous distractions during swim time is mom or dad leaving the pool to answer the phone, use the restroom or to get something. So if you find that you have mistakenly forgotten the sunscreen or need another towel, insist that your child get out of the water and go with you until you return.
Never Leave Toys in the Pool When Not in Use
Seeing pool toys floating around the water just reminds your child about how much fun the last time that they were in the pool. All it takes is for the child to lean too far over to reach such a toy to fall in. To prevent any danger, remove all toys from the pool when the children get out of the water and store them away from the pool’s edge.
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