Our customers often ask us which safety product is best for their Las Vegas swimming pool. All of the options we offer have their obvious advantages, but each also has a disadvantage that comes alongside it. Most Las Vegas swimming pool owners find that the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages or don’t consider them to be disadvantages at all.
All three options are very safe, when they are used properly, locked appropriately, and installed professionally. Read the list below and be sure to contact your expert pool safety barrier installer for more information and a quote.
Swimming Pool Covers
A pool cover will keep your children safe from drowning in your Las Vegas swimming pool, but only when the cover is put on the pool. The disadvantage is that after using the pool you must be diligent about replacing the cover completely. If that cover is not on the entire pool, then it can’t protect it.
Swimming Pool Nets
Nets are a great way to create a barrier between your swimming pool and your children or water loving pets, but again they must be completely replaced after each use of the pool. A safety net will not prevent drowning as well if it is not covering your pool.
Swimming Pool Fences
Safety fences are another great way to prevent the risk of drowning in your pool. Removable swimming pool fences have similar disadvantages as safety nets and safety covers. Permanent fences, if used properly, are the safest option, however, the tendency to prop open the fence can cause safety concerns and potential drowning risks.
There is no substitute for proper adult supervision, but having these barriers may buy some time or reduce the potential drowning risk in your swimming pool.
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