If you have lived in the Las Vegas area for any number of years there is no doubt that you have heard a news story about a drowning incident and thought “I need to be careful” or “that won’t happen in my pool.” The truth of the matter is that if you have a swimming pool at your home, apartment complex, or subdivision, that a possible drowning is a distinct possibility, even if it is unlikely.
While everyone focuses on the event of a fatal drowning there are many other, permanent outcomes other than a fatality which may occur. In approximately 20 percent of submersion incidents resulting in hospitalized nonfatal drowning victims suffer severe, permanent neurologic disability. The global term, submersion is used to describe both fatal and nonfatal drownings.
The Southern Nevada Health District tracks the submersion incidents of children up to the age of 14 by the number of emergency calls placed to the 911 system. According to their website the total number of incidents rose to 44 through September 23, 2015 compared to 34 the year before. Of these incidents 66 percent of them occurred in residential pools. And while 35 were non-fatal 9 resulted in fatal drownings and of those 8 were children 4 and under.
One drowning, even a non-fatal drowning is too many. Adding a safety fence from Safe Defenses to your pool and pool area can help to minimize drowning dangers and keep your swimming pool safe all year round.
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